Good day, {{ name }}!

This is to inform you that the barangay service request for {{ category }} with service request ticket {{ ticketNumber }} made through 1Namayan App is READY FOR RELEASE.

You may proceed to our Namayan Help Desk to claim this, after payment of assessed applicable fees. You may claim on any day of the week from 8AM to 10PM.

For any questions, you may call our Barangay Frontline Service Department at (02) 7255-9886.

Thank you very much.



1Namayan App Team


PS. We are continuously improving and adding features to the 1Namayan App — please bear with us as we continue to make it better for you. Should you have any concerns or inquiries, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to or send us a message through New Barangay Namayan facebook page.

® Barangay Namayan, 2024
